I don't know that he was trying to do anything really....although you'd have to ask him about that....seemed more like he was trying to I.D. those sites as yours...and that pic of you.
....or maybe he pokin at you by posting that pic of you in the Speedo........hehehe
. I dunno....I didn't see that much harm in it at the time.
More importantly though.....
I actually really like the former two of your last three posts. Right on David.
"The point of my posts above is try to get people who kiss arse to the genius and physical ability of great players like Hogan and Moe Norman, to stop belittling themselves."
"If people would realize their own potential..."
Right on man.
....It drives me nuts when people kiss Tiger's ass. Seems to contradict the fact that they're playing AGAINST him....give credit where credit is due- he's a obviously a GREAT golfer....but don't gush over him like he's a friggen god.....try to get better. It just doesn't sound competitive when other players talk about him like he's playing a different tour....you can tell they doubt their own ability and potential. I bet Tiger loves to hear that stuff....it prolly feeds him.
Who knows....maybe I like to think this way because I've never been there playing against him....but I don't think so....that attitude has bugged me my whole life (like the kid who thought he was the best at tetherball
). Just seems like a p*ssy way to go about things to me.
I'd like to think I can get as good as anyone really....why not try anyway....what have you got to lose right? Truly you can only gain when you try to reach your own potential.
And about Hogan....I think you're right...
....he was the best because he wanted to be the best....that's it (same with Moe and anyone else....Moe tried so hard to put the puzzle together his hands would bleed from practice). He was the most obsessed (about all aspects of his game- I'd bet my life that he wasn't just obsessed about perfecting his swing)...worked the hardest...and had the most "fight in him."
Remember....he started as a pro in 1931....think about it- when did he win his first major? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....did a lot of thinkin' and practicin' during that time. A lot of improvin' since 1931.
You'd just have to be as obsessed as these guys...I don't think that's something you can force (i.e. just "working hard").....but then again, a lot of guys are pretty obsessed and beat a lot of balls....maybe they're just working on the wrong things- looking in the wrong places. Who knows.
"Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them- a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
-Muhammad Ali
I guess will becomes skill if you think about it.
I think you make a pretty good point David.