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Brian Manzella


Ok....most of the time, golfers with really good swings who are fairly flexible BUT DO NOT RESTRICT the lifting of the left heel, only have the left heel come off the ground when it gets PULLED off of the ground.
In the swing you posted above, Rory is making a typical move of the great ball strikers, like Jack Nicklaus....he is "out twisting" in his right foot in transition and as he lifts his left foot making it easier to apply that movement while he gets the last couple of inches out of his backswing.

That left foot lift makes it easier for him to add some hip turn in transition as he translates left.

That is clearly visible as he replants his left foot LESS OUTWARD than it was at address or before he lifted it.

At that point, his COP (center of pressure) has most definitely moved toward the target, but has a lot more targetward translation to go.

I'll try to post up a little marked up analysis later today...

Ok....most of the time, golfers with really good swings who are fairly flexible BUT DO NOT RESTRICT the lifting of the left heel, only have the left heel come off the ground when it gets PULLED off of the ground.
In the swing you posted above, Rory is making a typical move of the great ball strikers, like Jack Nicklaus....he is "out twisting" in his right foot in transition and as he lifts his left foot making it easier to apply that movement while he gets the last couple of inches out of his backswing.

That left foot lift makes it easier for him to add some hip turn in transition as he translates left.

That is clearly visible as he replants his left foot LESS OUTWARD than it was at address or before he lifted it.

At that point, his COP (center of pressure) has most definitely moved toward the target, but has a lot more targetward translation to go.

I'll try to post up a little marked up analysis later today...

Brian I have noticed you mention adding hip turn in transition in several different posts recently. Am I correct in thinking you mean increasing backswing hip turn as the COP shifts left and at the same time the club begins its downswing motion?

PS Its good to see you posting again on this website.

Brian Manzella

(do you mean) increasing backswing hip turn as the COP shifts left and at the same time the club begins its downswing motion?


But....that is a separate consideration than the FACT that the golfer's COMBINED couple at the ground (Bat Pole axis) HAS TO push the opposite way the golfer is turning going back to assist the golfer with that "away from the target" rotation, then HAS TO reverse that motion to slow that rotation down—long before the club transition—AND to help the golfer start the "target-ward" rotation....then REVERSE IT AGAIN to slow that down.

Below is a sequence of Rory.

It is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that he does all of the above and everything I said in the early post.

More below on the graphic....


Brian Manzella

The rotational arrows represent the direction the golfer is twisting the ground. The INTENSITY of that twist is represented by the intensity of the color. The color PLUS shading of #8 is MAX intensity.

Great stuff.


Brian Manzella

So, it should be clear that Rory does exactly what I say he does—he out twists with his right foot in the club change of direction.

It should NOT be obvious however WHEN the golfer is starting to apply torque at the feet by LOOKING at them in a still or a series of stills.

Any movement that you could see (or do see in the Rory sequence) would have already shown up on a high end plate (even as far down the latter from the dual plate labs, as the Swing Cat 3D plate).

So, here we sit....

No matter how fast the camera, the move you think you are seeing that you think is causing something HAS ALREADY SHOWN UP as a force on a good enough measurement device.

Knowing the kinetics makes everything easier to do.

According to the best scientists on the subject, even a device that measure muscle activity won't have any idea of that activity will end up in a force.

Just learn the Kinetics and you'll have the movement you want.

Brian Manzella

Many combined rotational outputs of many similar tour swings were used to show the magnitude and direction of Rory's swing.

Looking at them, it is obvious why nobody ever had this CAN NOT SEE IT.

Just like gamma see the gamma ROTATION in one place, but the torque happened way before.

Brian Manzella

Many combined rotational outputs of many similar tour swings were used to show the magnitude and direction of Rory's swing.

That means a looked a real data, not video to show the magnitudes and the when.

Looking at them, it is obvious why nobody ever had this CAN NOT SEE IT.

Talking about when the golfer starts to slow their body's rotation on the backswing with toward the target torque at the feet. IT IS SUPER literally CAN NOT SEE when it starts.

Just like gamma see the gamma ROTATION in one place, but the torque happened way before.

That's a reference to all the folks who show a picture of gamma rotation, not realizing that the golfer is using LESS TORQUE there and started it long before that.


Brian Manzella

These coupled rotationals are good to know, but the individual feet are even more illuminating.

But, in my opinion, they pale in comparison with the frontal plane moments. They are not that hard to learn and are the easiest way to understand the what and why of the pivot.

Brian Manzella

Before we get to frontal moments....let's have some fun with the simple stuff.....guessing when the opposite-twist occurs and how much....and when and where the cop shifts.....

<iframe src="//" width="749" height="421" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Brian Manzella

Hi Brian,

Great to see your site getting going again.

Is the anti clockwise rotation down by impact a way to "unweight" the left foot?

I am getting back in practice before launching my new site in the next few days.

The coupled moments—OPPOSITE DIRECTION TWISTS at the feet—help you TURN in either direction.

Without them, you can not make a "regulation golf swing."

So....clockwise TWIST to help you turn TOWARD THE TARGET, counter-clockwise to help you slow down that topped the target turn.

The PUSH UP from the left foot toward the left ear —frontal plane (face on view) moments— which will start ideally around lead arm parallel coming down, will do more "unweighting" than anything else, grf wise.

So...if you don't get that COP over there soon enough, you will NOT be able to do that.

That's why the COP is so very important. It is the origin point for the vertical vectors [frontal plane (face on view) moments], and the interaction with those vectors and the COM will basically give you the pivot of any particular golfer.

The rotationals accomplish a lot as far as the 3 changes of direction in the swing (start up, start of downswing, declaration phase)

Brian Manzella

Nice amateur effort....


and this one will cost you for the answer if you don't know it....

What is the relationship between the no shifter early turners and the early shifter later turners....?

In other words, why does that happen?
So...if you don't get that COP over there soon enough, you will NOT be able to do that.

That's why the COP is so very important. It is the origin point for the vertical vectors [frontal plane (face on view) moments], and the interaction with those vectors and the COM will basically give you the pivot of any particular golfer.

So is it like you move the COM first (by twisting out right foot) and, when you feel your left thigh "loaded", you know you've got the COP over so it's time to push off the left foot?

Brian Manzella

So is it like you move the COM first (by twisting out right foot) and, when you feel your left thigh "loaded", you know you've got the COP over so it's time to push off the left foot?

To move your Center of Mass left and your Center of Pressure left-er you are going to need a lot more than the out-twist.

So.....what else can it be....?

Brian Manzella

The frontal plane moments' (face on verticals) interaction with the COP and COM are a stronger predictor and influence in both Mike's example and my two....


From that perspective

Why do golfers who SHIFT early turn less early and then turn later?

Why do golfers who turn early NOT SHIFT as much early?


Why do golfers who SHIFT early turn less early and then turn later?

Because the vector is pointing left earlier.

Why do golfers who turn early NOT SHIFT as much early?

Because the vector is going up (past the right ear) longer.

More than out twist....moving your right shoulder/hip more left?

Brian Manzella

From the perspective of frontal plane moments' (face on verticals) interaction with the COP and COM are a stronger

Why do golfers who SHIFT early turn less early and then turn later?

Why do golfers who turn early NOT SHIFT as much early?

If you have any clue about this subject, this is easy as pie.
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