quote:Originally posted by benhogan54
I have never heard of keeping the left wrist flat and right wrist bent all the way through to the finish before. Brian is the first I have ever seen explain that. Most instructors have you flatten the right wrist out into the followthrough and finish ending with a cupped left wrist. Brian simply has you roll the left arm and keep the wrist relationship throughout.
quote:Originally posted by benhogan54
I have never heard of keeping the left wrist flat and right wrist bent all the way through to the finish before. Brian is the first I have ever seen explain that. Most instructors have you flatten the right wrist out into the followthrough and finish ending with a cupped left wrist. Brian simply has you roll the left arm and keep the wrist relationship throughout.
quote:Originally posted by FanofHogan
Well, irregardless of how many people have said it or not before, Brian is the first to say it in a way that it gets through to me. Ed, no dissrespect, but I wish you would come up with something more original than trying to discredit Brian here. Yeah, he has a big ego and i think he'd be the first to tell you that. But, which is worse, someone with a big ego or someone who goes to great lengths to burst said ego? You're a sharp guy when it comes to the golf swing. Lets use that knowledge to help us that arent so sharp instead of trying to goad one another into an argument. If an argument isnt your intent then what is it? The very first lesson I ever had the guy told me all about lagging the sweetspot, but he never actually said those words. He said things like picture a kid siwnging a long heavy club. Feel like the club is floating at the top of the swing before it comes down. I am thankful for what Brian tells us whether it's been said or alluded to before by whomever. He says it in ways that I can relate to.
Sounds like a good generic post, might even help some people...quote:Originally posted by EdZ
You can use a lot of ways to get to the top..... the secret is lead forearm rotation on the downswing, in synch with body turn, hands centered with the belly button/chest.
Lead forearm rotation, keeps you on plane (think gyroscope), squares the clubface, and actually helps everything else 'synch'.
It can be overdone.... the key is keeping things rotating at constant (or increasing), smooth, rates, together.
The right wrist back just helps get that rotation in synch a little easier (although be careful, as you may end up hooking)
Hogan allowed the 'cup' in the wrist, and pointed the clubface more down at the top, so he could rotate the forearm hard all the way through and not hook.
The right wrist back approach lets you allow the club to 'fall', with more natural rotation of the trunk and forearms.
Experiment with both.....
quote:Originally posted by benhogan54
I have never heard of keeping the left wrist flat and right wrist bent all the way through to the finish before. Brian is the first I have ever seen explain that. Most instructors have you flatten the right wrist out into the followthrough and finish ending with a cupped left wrist. Brian simply has you roll the left arm and keep the wrist relationship throughout.
Keep your hips AHEAD of your hands
Keep your hands AHEAD of the clubhead through the ball
Keep the clubface OPEN at impact
Make sure your left thumb is close to or UNDER the club at the top (and still have a flat left wrist)
call me if you need a quick fix at 502.417.4653
quote:Originally posted by bcoak
are you a teaching pro? If so, what type of player do you teach predominately, ie, scratch, ladies, old men, etc. Not trying to be wise, just trying to figure you out.
quote:Originally posted by brianman
Ok Edz....
Since you are DIEing for me to GIVE (give) for free something that I came up with...OK I will...
But you have to guess one more time...
QUESTION::::Why do people who reverse pivot tend to slice more (even Colin Montgomerie)????
One more LAME guess and I will GIVE you the answer for free....