not quite
not quite
i'm betting the ball went 10 yards and the club went 200...seriously if it really mattered he wouldve put it in the original post. otherwise its just an attempt to liven up the thread.
What's wrong with one guy thinking some of you are full of brown stinky stuff?
What's wrong with one guy thinking some of you are full of brown stinky stuff? Is this a forum where no dissension is allowed? Only authoritarians demand blind obedience or silence. To those of you continuing to drag this one out I say: cling to your delusions for all I care. Its GOLF not life or death. Holeout - There is nothing "emotional" about living and letting live. I know what a "3D" machine is and it cannot teach anyone how best to swing a golf club. Yes I understand... technology looks like magic to some of you.
What's wrong with one guy thinking some of you are full of brown stinky stuff? Is this a forum where no dissension is allowed? Only authoritarians demand blind obedience or silence. To those of you continuing to drag this one out I say: cling to your delusions for all I care. Its GOLF not life or death.
when you provide not a modicum of proof to back your unsubstantiated condescending rhetoric.
.Dissension is fine. But you'd better be able to explain and debate your side of the argument. So far, I haven't been convinced. I may be at fault for this, and maybe not.
You just have to realize that when you are trying to convince us of certain components being superior to how the players in the Hall of Fame have done it, you're going to have to back it up with more than what you have.
I'm ready and willing to hear an explanation of what makes square shoulders and not snapping the chain superior. But in that explanation you'd also have to explain why up until now NO ONE who can play at the highest level has done either of them.
I'm sure you understand mine, and others, skepticism at these kinds of claims.
.I don't think that anyone has problems with you because your disobedient to some imaginary 'overlord' like authority that demands for everyone to bow down with a dogmatic religious vigor. A concept that is so farfetched that it borders on the maniacal. One could only hope that your deliberately being disingenious. However, creating discord with people when you have been been completely without substance can tend to give you the appearance of being officious.
You have not offered one solid arguement - not one. If you want someone to come to your point of view, you have to discuss and tell them the illogical nature of their beliefs and convince them.
You are never going to ever get someone to believe something you say by saying something along the lines of "omg you are all so stupid, just trust me cos im smart" when you provide not a modicum of proof to back your unsubstantiated condescending rhetoric.
But on the positive - your participation has fueled enough interest and curiosity in the thread that the topic is now of interest to enough of people and I have gotten an idea which will provoke alot of discussion once I have time off work to do it.
the shot went the same distance as my normal shot. However I drew it too much and flew it into a fairway bunker that ended up being a 255 yard carry. So what I'm trying to get at is that once the balls gone it really doesn't matter what the club is doing.
Interesting and intriguing argument for a ‘scientist’.![]()
You and Bronco Billy form a very entertaining duo.![]()
How is your mission coming along, many converts?![]()
What's wrong with one guy thinking some of you are full of brown stinky stuff? Is this a forum where no dissension is allowed? Only authoritarians demand blind obedience or silence. To those of you continuing to drag this one out I say: cling to your delusions for all I care. Its GOLF not life or death. Holeout - There is nothing "emotional" about living and letting live. I know what a "3D" machine is and it cannot teach anyone how best to swing a golf club. Yes I understand... technology looks like magic to some of you.
Still not good enough? (Nothing ever is for the unreasonable).. The take your lazy butt on over to youTube and enter the following into the search: { Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Big Inertia Hammer Throw Olympics } Recall what your host Mr. Manzella has said in the past on this forum re. Hammer Throw. I want you to watch and play close attention to what is said in that youTube.... He once stopped (ie.e try to "snap his kinetic chain") too ... It was a mistake and he corrected it. He's on the money with that one in my scientifically informed opinion. But again as always... TO EACH THEIR OWN!
Good day & Good Play!
Ah... mandrin... I see you've stitch up your wounds and returned for more. Welcome back! You can at least speak the language of scientist (which is more than most) and we do even on occasion agree.
Rhetorical Question: Why is it that so many golf forum participants want other people to wipe their backside for them? You know who you are... Get off your lazy fat butts and pick up a text book, maybe then you can begin to understand (for instance what Nesbit has told you).
"you can lead a horse (scratch that ... make it jackass) to water but you cannot make it drink"
As for those of you that like "video evidence", I already pointed you to one video. The Mike Austin video I referred to in the other post where he wants squared and UP your left shoulder. Find it... Watch it.
When today's players stop having to visit the chiropractor once a week... when today's players stop ruining their joints by taking the ridiculous advice to "snap their chain" (which is synonymous with "snap their tendons and rotator cuffs"); when today's golfers reach the ripe old age of 64 and can set the drive record (or at-least come close to matching Austin's 515) maybe then I will believe there is something in their methods worthy of merit. Until then, their stroke is the current fad nothing more.
Still not good enough? (Nothing ever is for the unreasonable).. The take your lazy butt on over to youTube and enter the following into the search: { Top 25 Golf Pro Lesson Big Inertia Hammer Throw Olympics } Recall what your host Mr. Manzella has said in the past on this forum re. Hammer Throw. I want you to watch and play close attention to what is said in that youTube.... He once stopped (ie.e try to "snap his kinetic chain") too ... It was a mistake and he corrected it. He's on the money with that one in my scientifically informed opinion. But again as always... TO EACH THEIR OWN!
Good day & Good Play!