I disagree. They are totally independent factors.
If you want the info, just buy one of their books! Or Haney's, Leady's or Butch's. I don't think it will help you much though.
No offence guru, but they were all great players because of their inherent talent for the game, not because of either what they were taught or how it was taught. They were good learners, responding to the feedback their bodies, clubs and ballflight gave them.
I heard Norman on TV the other night saying that he was a great driver of the ball because he kept his "triangle" in tact for as long as possible in the takeaway, thus creating "width". Tell anyone to do that and see if they too become great drivers of the ball.
Faldo wouldnt have won a major with his pre leadbetter swing, Leadbetter helped him greatly, he gave Faldo much better info than what he currently possesses.