Tried the move with an Iron 7.
According to the TM I lost 6mph but did not lose carry. My AoA was way shallower then normal with some being in the positive range (+1D)
In the first few attempts got 10degree outside-in and with the face not square to the path.
Then found the correct point in the transition where I should feel like throwing the club like a dart away from the target and the outside-in became more normal but still inconsistant. I got between 2d inside/out or outside/in
Found it hard (impossible) to square the face with consious hand thoughts but found out that if I lift the left shoulder high enough the face will square.
The final swing feels very soft and easy, contact was solid, carry was good.
Then I tried a long hybrid with the same move : impossible ! swing path was not that bad but face was open 6 or more degrees every single shot. Then I changed two things
- delayed the throw until the lower body was out of the way (or going to be out of the way)
- then did the throw
- Got the left shoulder even higher then with the Iron
result : love it !! straight as an arrow with sometimes a small baby fade or draw. But that might be because the shaft is a bit to soft.
According to the TM I lost 6mph but did not lose carry. My AoA was way shallower then normal with some being in the positive range (+1D)
In the first few attempts got 10degree outside-in and with the face not square to the path.
Then found the correct point in the transition where I should feel like throwing the club like a dart away from the target and the outside-in became more normal but still inconsistant. I got between 2d inside/out or outside/in
Found it hard (impossible) to square the face with consious hand thoughts but found out that if I lift the left shoulder high enough the face will square.
The final swing feels very soft and easy, contact was solid, carry was good.
Then I tried a long hybrid with the same move : impossible ! swing path was not that bad but face was open 6 or more degrees every single shot. Then I changed two things
- delayed the throw until the lower body was out of the way (or going to be out of the way)
- then did the throw
- Got the left shoulder even higher then with the Iron
result : love it !! straight as an arrow with sometimes a small baby fade or draw. But that might be because the shaft is a bit to soft.
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