Hi Mandrin - I'm just curious how you came by that book. Isn't that the one written by a keen amateur from Aberdeen in Scotland? I think that's where I bought my copy - and I think I formed the impression that it was practically self-published and probably not widely distributed. Maybe it was a blockbuster in other parts of the world - what is it they say about a prophet in his own land...?
So Jacob's "ground breaking discovery" is that the hands bottom out before the clubhead in a good swing??? So what did he think before, that they were going down at impact? And everyone here is excited, so they too didn't know the hands are moving up and in at impact?
I can't remember why I bought it but it is quite interesting. I got it from Amazon a few years back. The author John Wilson Barrett lives in Wolverhampton, England.
8 years you waited for that and you blew it. Weak, try again in another 8, but come prepared.
You can have a great late snap release when you realize the left shoulder movement shallows the arc. SEE BEN HOGAN
Also the motion of the left shoulder is accelerating the club because of its application of centripetal force-the key to golf.
That is the golden paragraphLag is the RESULT of a proper "release."
A proper Kinetic Sequence is the RESULT of a proper "release."
75% of all the speed in your golf swing comes from your shoulder complexes, your arms, your wrists, and your hands.
I saw that term in one of my old timie golf instruction books. If you want to know where, I'll did through the stack of books. The concept never helped me much.Todd, you lost me at "Conservation of Angular....."
Doesn't exist in a golf swing.