The Release w/Brian Manzella & Michael Jacobs

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So Jacob's "ground breaking discovery" is that the hands bottom out before the clubhead in a good swing??? So what did he think before, that they were going down at impact? And everyone here is excited, so they too didn't know the hands are moving up and in at impact?
Hi Mandrin - I'm just curious how you came by that book. Isn't that the one written by a keen amateur from Aberdeen in Scotland? I think that's where I bought my copy - and I think I formed the impression that it was practically self-published and probably not widely distributed. Maybe it was a blockbuster in other parts of the world - what is it they say about a prophet in his own land...?

I can't remember why I bought it but it is quite interesting. I got it from Amazon a few years back. The author John Wilson Barrett lives in Wolverhampton, England.


New member
So Jacob's "ground breaking discovery" is that the hands bottom out before the clubhead in a good swing??? So what did he think before, that they were going down at impact? And everyone here is excited, so they too didn't know the hands are moving up and in at impact?

Can't blame that on M.J. see below, good try though, 8 years you waited for that and you blew it. Weak, try again in another 8, but come prepared.

Parametric acceleration – the effect of inward pull of the golf club at impact stage - Miura - 2001 - Sports Engineering - Wiley Online Library
THIS IS HOW I FIGURED IT OUT: After watching Jacobs first video I tried to just get my hands to the low point he describes and then turn the handle up and in. Well trying to take the hands directly to the low point while intentionally maintaning lag will not create a circle or arc. After I watched the 2nd video it started to make sense. So in order for the butt of the club to come up and in on a circle. The circle has to be started early. All the way from the top of the bs. I feel like I'm pushing the club away from my left foot, left hip and left shoulder. All the while forming a circle with my hands. I can actually see the circle developing while I swing. Then the Hands reach a low point under the sternum. It is around this time I really think about butt of the club coming up and in towards me like I'm putting a little extra curl at the end of the letter C if you were looking from a face on view. Also don't forget to push that left shoulder as far from the ball at impact as you can. Interesting note: If you are used to swinging with very passive arms and hands this will feel very different. I was noticing I could hit shots just as good with tight grip pressure as loose. Totaly crazy!! Believe me it works
I can't remember why I bought it but it is quite interesting. I got it from Amazon a few years back. The author John Wilson Barrett lives in Wolverhampton, England.

I have a copy as well. I'm going to pull it out and read it. I've always felt like the more I try to get my hands in front of the ball, the faster the club passes them and forces me to flip. My best ballstriking round of my life I just tried to feel like I was "releasing" the club from the top in a wide arc. I've never been able to recapture that feel, but perhaps now knowing the ideas behind it will allow me to stick with it until it is ingrained.
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to get "orthogonal" to the arms and club (on a belly view) you would need two cameras (or maybe 15 cameras) since they swing down on different angles.....when you start thinking about the 2D/3D video camera conundrum, it really makes you want to drop kick your camera into a lake....

great videos mike - looking forward to understanding more about how really fast moving centers of gravity can be "let go" or "manipulated" by hand action
8 years you waited for that and you blew it. Weak, try again in another 8, but come prepared.

Bet you've been checking post counts for a while now, just waiting for an opening to make that preppy comment, but I've been posting here for years, before they changed my user name. Your's maybe should be changed to footinthemouth.
You can have a great late snap release when you realize the left shoulder movement shallows the arc. SEE BEN HOGAN
Also the motion of the left shoulder is accelerating the club because of its application of centripetal force-the key to golf.


You can have a great late snap release when you realize the left shoulder movement shallows the arc. SEE BEN HOGAN
Also the motion of the left shoulder is accelerating the club because of its application of centripetal force-the key to golf.

So your saying that the acceleration of the left shoulder is what powers the release and not the hands/arms?
I think you can add/subtract elements for power or control as needed. The thing is the distance from your left hand to your left shoulder doesn't change.


New member
Originally Posted by footwedge
8 years you waited for that and you blew it. Weak, try again in another 8, but come prepared.


Bet you've been checking post counts for a while now, just waiting for an opening to make that preppy comment, but I've been posting here for years, before they changed my user name. Your's maybe should be changed to footinthemouth.

I believe it's your foot in your mouth and you can't read very well. Point out where I said anything about a post count, I said eight years you waited for that and you confirmed you have been here posting for years, I mean you took my post and quoted the portion that say's exactly that. Maybe you need another username change, lets see..... how about "idiot who can't read" No wonder you made a stupid post about M.J.'s video, watch the 3rd video and get an education.
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I believe Bobby Jones in one of his books recommends this early hands move away from the target.
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