Good post
Yeah, I think it is a huge discovery for chipping/pitching too. Great anyway, but especially for short game. A long way back in this thread when TGM people were all defensive I think the short game videos with the no-release, super flat left wrist, downward chop were being forgotten. That method did more to ruin my game than anything too. Especially if you try and work backwards by 'flushing' a little chip in this way, and then working on a longer swing and maintaining the impact conditions.
I've certainly not been as far down that road as you, but fat/thin shots getting worse as I 'improved my technique' (as per TGM flat left wrist etc) is quite frustrating. In the end, and fairly recently, I just accepted that standing quite open on short shots helped me and now I know why (it helped me get my hands moving up and in more, relative to the target line).
Also, I did the same - 64 degree wedge laying about somewhere that didn't get as high as the Bobby Jones 5-iron demonstrated somewhere in this thread!
I was thinking about this myself. I suppose there is a difference between playing a regular shaft club for years, and being able to generate more speed (over time), but (subconciously?) capping the speed to produce a playable shot. A difference, that is, between a tour player with 120 mph just swinging a lady flex shaft at full tilt..
Of course, what I expect and what actually happens are usually two different things.
I'm genuinely interested in this as someone who has a driver swing speed of around 105, with the occasional 115 and I don't know how or why? Driver shaft is stiff, not x-stiff. Tend to usually hit left and low as a bad shot too. Not someone to blame the club though, so I figure it is my shoddy technique. This is fairly recent btw, so not had chance to try different clubs/launch monitor etc.