I hope you and MJ realise that you guys still possess the ability to "be wrong". If you can't be wrong you can't be anything. Additionally I doubt if you guys really know it all. To talk like you know it all and everyone else know f all is just poor form. Think back five years to your convictions about certain aspects that you now know to be "wrong" and think forward to five years from now. Do you think you'll be saying exactly the same things?
Absolutely we are no where near having all the answers.
But, for all the talk about how "wrong" we were in the past, just realize this: I—and lots of other folks, MJ included—were sold the idea that TGM was science. Obviously THAT IS NOT THE CASE. So 90%+ of our "back up from old ideas" are back up from TGM.
Our current ideas come straight from scientists. I am sure we are still not 100% correct about anything, but we are closing in, and PLENTY of WRONG ideas are getting BULLDOZED. The folks that have vested interest in the stuff under the bulldozer, hope we have no idea what we are talking about.
You are hoping as well.
When you wish upon a star.........
That the CP moves up is beyond dispute, but repeating it ad nauseum doesn't make it any more right. IMO saying the same thing over and over again to a captive audience becomes boring after a while.
One of the most popular threads in golf instruction on the internet history.
I made a valid point in my post about the bending of the left wrist which you ignored only to respond with an abrasive "wrong again" comment about my tongue in cheek comment about the thread becoming boring because of the repetition of the same point over and over again, especially in relation to jeffy's swing. Who gives a sh*t about jeffy's swing apart from jeffy?
Wrong again, bro.
Jeffy is a PERFECT example of CPP moving down slightly instead of up.
I will look at your left wrist comment again when I have a minute.
Not everyone on here is clueless, and not everyone who doesn't sychophantishly agree with you is "wrong". A little humility is never a bad thing.
Plenty of really smart folks on here.
Far as I can see, bragging a'int anywhere in this 123 page thread.
Kc8ir and footwedge,
Mike Austin was the first person I thought of when this thread first started. In fact, on Mike Jacob's forum, I made this exact point. I would love to hear Brian's thoughts on this.
He got a lot of the release stuff correct.
He obviously was a very smart guy.
Despite this thread being boring

I have a question...
From all the talk of not holding on, does this involve not just the left wrist being allowed to bend, but also the recocking of the left wrist into the followthrough?
I am not sure why but recocking the wrist is not something I had thought about until now, and secondly if we are not recocking the left wrist going through (or our intention is not to), does this make the CP path more likely to go down?
The point here is that the left wrist bends first and then re-cocks.
If you do this, you will have a thousand times better chance to have the CPP go up.