You know what guys, unfortunately, if some poor chopper stumbles on to this debate between you two, it would sound like you are two swing gurus arguing the finer nuances of swing mechanics. But, that is not the case. It's all a bunch of gibberish. You both have this little puzzle in your minds about how swing pieces fit together but none of that is actually happening. Ex., The idea of increasing compression substantially with some mixture of accum 3 vs 2 is fantasy. You can lean the shaft forward 10 more degrees and deform the ball more but who cares--ball deformation is completely incidental to the intended spin loft.
I had to get this on the record so that some unknowing searcher doesn't fall in love with your goofy debate.
You're not understanding what I'm saying. We actually agree with each other.
I'm saying there's more potential compression if you have more or longer clubhead travel. This can be tweaked by the individual. Its not genetics or limited physically. Its adjustable, hence can be attained by anyone.
Compression due to a more downward AoA is a myth, it just wirks for lots of people because it moves low point more forward and now matches the ball, so now they can hit the ball harder.
More clubhead travel doesn't mean more power from the roll of left wrist itself, it just means more deliverable power from pivot, uncocking of left wrist and right arm/hand due to the longer clubhead travel. Left wrist roll is just a delivery mechanism as mp29 said, you don't achieve more power from it by having a bigger clubhead travel. In fact the bigger the clubhead travel, it becomes harder to roll that left wrist (which slows down rate of closure btw); so much so that if you source power from the rolling of left wrist itself , you'll end up just slapping the ball. But the delivery of pivot, uncocking and roght arm become more efficient, more possible, more powerful, more accurate IMO.