lmisner1040 said:
Sir Squish ,as you are called. I have been outside looking in. This thread has brought me off the golf course. You say Brian did a good JOB !
24+ years of intense study and you say Brian's not even close?
Bold statement is it not?
One that needs clearing up. You want to give your analysis of what Brian seems to miss big time?
By the way I went over to the so called MA site. WOW you talk about messed up golfers

. Who is running that site, besides your riddles of information?
Thanks to this site MA has lived another day for those that want to learn it.
Well Sir
You hit the nail on the head. But there are a few 300 plus hitters over there and others looking for looking for more.
Mikes swing Is based on a Throwing swing. The old James Braid, Vardon, Ted Ray method.
They used Centrifugal force (the "absence" of Centripital force) to build club head speed. (not compression alone with the advent of steel) Byron Nelson, Bobby Jones.
The Hickory and gutta percha required this type of golf swing at the time.
Leaning into the shot with hickory would be expensive to a round.
Steel changed that.
With The proper set up As the Key.
Then the Mind set of Having Mobility of the Body With a stable Center of Balance is the answer.
Think of the body as an A frame and stay within those Bounds.
Just like the pendulum.
The axis pivot point is the top of the spine at the seventh cervical. (center of balance)
The Hips at the base of the spine is the Bob. (Center of gravity)
You never want to displace the center of balance as it will impede
and retard the pendilum action.
The heel to heel, and eversion (letting out) of the knees allow the Hips to swing then turn.
An imaginary line or Plane, From the Back 7th Cervical Through the Breastbone To The Ball is the measurement that must remain Constant.
Your club and arms are set at an acute angle under that plane.
Here is how to measure.
The Wrists and Club also act as a pendulum with a 180* sweep of their own. That is where the Speed comes in.
The Body and Wrists work Together as a Compound Pendulum.
(The main powering lever is the swinging Spine)
The Left shoulder and arm are attached to the center of balance atop the Spine and act as Levers.
They must remain constant or fixed in their position reletive to the Torso,
As to Maintain the proper measurement to the ball throughout the swing.
As a spoke is to a Hub. Hub being the swing center of balance.
However That assembly can, and is necessary to Adduct, abduct, Pronate and Supinate.
After the forward press
While Maintaining the forward incline of 30* to the ball.
In the backswing, the large pendulum swings to the right about 70*.
At the end of its travel, it is nesessary for the arms to abduct, adduct,
the shoulders to get you to the top. Not raise the shoulder blades.
The "Top" is really the club "Behind" you.
Because you are still maintaining a 30* forward tilt you measured at address, The club appears to rise. But the adduction of the right shoulder
has simply taken the humeris(upper right arm) away from your right side
to its limit of travel. A wide stretched out feel, to the limit of its travel.
The left heel will raise in responce.
Shoulders feel level, But you ar maintaining that inclination to the ball, Still measured.
This does not apply to modern compression teaching.
It lets you knock the hell out of the ball.