Of all the things I've tried including things mentioned above I've found the most long term success following what Brian says in his youtube episode 4 addressing the first question. Swing your hands toward the ball, educated hands so to speak, it just seems like I get a consistent and proper sequence of everyting moving ie hip bump, hip turn, right shoulder down plane, axis tilt etc. For me I would stress that it happens when I focus on where I'm going with my hands.
Of all the things I've tried including things mentioned above I've found the most long term success following what Brian says in his youtube episode 4 addressing the first question. Swing your hands toward the ball, educated hands so to speak, it just seems like I get a consistent and proper sequence of everyting moving ie hip bump, hip turn, right shoulder down plane, axis tilt etc. For me I would stress that it happens when I focus on where I'm going with my hands.
Of all the things I've tried including things mentioned above I've found the most long term success following what Brian says in his youtube episode 4 addressing the first question. Swing your hands toward the ball, educated hands so to speak, it just seems like I get a consistent and proper sequence of everyting moving ie hip bump, hip turn, right shoulder down plane, axis tilt etc. For me I would stress that it happens when I focus on where I'm going with my hands.
here is the behind view of me, just took it to see if you guys can see anything from this.
still trying to stop coming ott.
what do you mean brian by flying wedge?
so i should be trying to get my right elbow higher than my left elbow.
where should i feel like the butt of the club is pointing?