I know how you feel. My old swing thought was "pivot, left shoulder up and back". My current swing thought to avoid making the "photo 2 to photo 5" move is "pivot, left shoulder back". By "back" I mean, away from the ball. I think it gets me to transition through a "photo 4" position rather than going straight to "photo 5". I was worried about not getting enough axis tilt without the "left shoulder up" thought, but I suspect that my left shoulder is still "up" enough because the results have been good. Just a suggestion that worked for me.
I don't quite follow what you mean by "left shoulder back" - in backswing? - helping fix tendency to go from photo 2 to photo 5 - ??
Wait, you mean that you just have to think about not moving the left shoulder up and back immediately after finishing backswing? That makes sense. That's what I try to do but have trouble moving forward with those more closed shoulders.
I definitely have been thinking "pivot, then left shoulder up and back immediately" for a while.
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