Force Across the Shaft - Clinically known as TANGENTIAL FORCE:
18 Handicap - {obviously as a 18 handicap, not a consistent striker at all}
7.8 % of total tangential force still present at impact
13 Handicap - {obviously as a 13 handicap, not a consistent striker}
3.8 % of total tangential force still present at contact
5 Handicap - {obviously a good scorer and gets the ball around the golf course well}
6.7% of total tangential force still present at contact
Professional Player
Obviously a consistent player if they are a professional player who has sustained a career at golf
0% of total Tangential Force present at impact
If this doesn't prove it what does? For all of you folks out there who are posting snide comments on a website that is truly dedicated to finding and sharing the truth about the golf swing go and try this. Go to the range and hit ten balls while trying to lean the shaft forward hitting an aiming point on the target line with lots of force across the shaft. And then hit shots while noticing the low point of your hands and from there allowing the clubhead to close the gap and moving the hands up and in. I guarantee you that the first will result in inconsistent contact, a ball flight that is completely unpredictable, and shorter distances. And the later will give you a straighter ball flight, more consistent contact, and more distance.
Keeping the hands ahead of the clubface is something that just happens because of other factors in the golf swing. Chasing after achieving forward shaft lean is just plain silly and has ruined the swing of many many golfers throughout time.
Thank you Brian, Michael, and others who have worked so hard on Project 1.68 to finally compile all the TRUE information about golf swing in one place. Even though this stuff had been done by great players for a long time, there is no one who has yet to actually put all this information in one place. You all are doing a great service to not only all the weekend warrior golf fanatics, but also the golfing industry as a whole and I could see this project resulting in a lot of very happy golfers who are no longer befuddled by the mounds of useless information in the golfing world. All you teachers and naysayers who hang on to false ideals watch out!
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