This is some thread.
Hijacked by folks with horses in the race....
Here is a picture of two golfers at different times in their playing careers.
The guy on the left was taught by me, right out of tournament golf. The other has been taught out of this swing for the past 10 years.
OBVIOUSLY, you want to do what Tiger2000 was doing.
Sorry Mike.
Tried this move "away from the target" last night at the range, and for the first time in a long time I got the toe of my back foot dirty in the finish - what a great feeling!
The wedge length swing was a little iffy as was the driver swing, but the mid irons were butta. Gonna see how it does today with a little something something on the game.
Lag Pressure Ideology - A WELL TIMED HIGH END PLAYER IS REPORTING NO FORCE ACROSS THE CLUB in the final stages of the downswing. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment was used by the USGA and Universities to measure all forces and torques on the club, and FORCE ACROSS THE CLUB was ABSENT in the final stages as all the force was "NORMAL" or towards the golfer. Even the high end players with excessive forward lean of the club into impact REPORTED NO FORCES ACROSS THE SHAFT - THIS CLEARLY INDICATES THE HANDS ARE TRAVELING UP AND IN DURING THOSE STAGES.
If lag pressure was really present in the world class golfer there would be completely different reports and forces on the club and would indicate that the hands are traveling down and out. Lag Pressure as portrayed as a supposed 'Imperative' is a detriment. I am not throwing a book under the bus I am simply reporting, a book that was easily updateable to match new ideas has been ruined by those who call it infallible. Those are the people who do a disservice to the author, not people like myself who called for new updates. This is why we have left that world and no longer participate in those discussions and have removed those wrappers from our instruction.
No force against the shaft at impact?
Hey Mike, I was wondering if you could tell us a little about your game. From the picture Brian posted and your comment about hitting down 14 degrees on trackman, it seems like your swing had the opposite type of release that you are talking about here. How did you fix it to line up the club? What type of ballflight would an iron shot from your old swing have compared to one from your swing today?
That video by Jacobs is gold.
Stay wide and line it up. Lag is something we "see" and try to incorporate. What is seen and what is felt are two different things. Lusting after the appearance of "lag" has wasted many a golfers time.
So, there's still force across the shaft in full power swings; it's just applied less and less through impact the better the swing is (generally speaking)?