Hurricane clean up is over, the beach house has been water vac'd. Hurricane did a lot of damage on the northern tip of Long island as many still don't have power there. Anywho, the Explosive Golf Show part 3 on the subject will be posted this week {wednesday night} at 8pm
Lots of questions to answer and I will provide a whole slew of data and some imaging. All of this material is supposed to come out in a published work but I feel enticed to delve some more.
On a side note:
Everyone keeps asking me Mike - WHAT THE HELL IS SO NOVEL ABOUT YOUR SHOWS??? Listen folks, where in golf instruction has anyone ever focused in on the couple of the hands on the club??? There are so many references to the butt of the club and the right forefinger pressure point but 'The Couple' point came as a result of my own digging. If its published somewhere I would love to know, want to read what they say. Probably Penner discussed it the most... Focusing on the path of that COUPLE POINT is pretty dam revolutionary as far as I am concerned, anyone else agree???
As for the Homer Kelley loons who are harassing me -- Thats enough guys, leave me alone. You guys have lost all momentum and credibility. The icons of tgm are doing it such as disservice it has become a borderline comedy act. I don't see how anyone can argue the fact that TGM is a proponent of a same RPM Rhythm of the left arm and club, they are a proponent of striking down and out to low point!!! 100%.. Brian stood up at the last summit he attended and showed the bunch a pitch shots that he sees on tour where there is a little toss and he was lashed out at and was told the TOUR PLAYERS SHOULD KNOW BETTER. The system promotes a - STRAIGHT PLANE LINE - DOWN AND OUT TO LOW POINT HANDS - don't start now saying the aim point really means this or hinging really means this etc... Have you ever done a you tube search for the Basic Motion Cirriculum or Acquired Motion Ciriculum??? I suggest everyone take a peek and hopefully you won't choke on your popcorn. I was a GSED, was asked by Sally Kelley to rewrite the book so the masses could understand, she offered me the book for $100,000 and I would have had any and all autonomy to change anything I wanted. It was not worth that in my estimation and UNSALVAGEABLE!
The brain learning people:
yikes! dissect a golfing cadaver yet??
The biomechanics folks..
X Factor Stretch - Kinematic Sequence - Rate of Recoil - Physical Assesment -- all very interesting and nice stuff. I am adding 3D motion capture to my golf school - can't wait. Love my new associate Dave Kuck .. NOT THE ANSWER THOUGH -- It's a nice supplement to the study of the movement of the club
The movement of the inanimate object {the club} is the point of interest.
The stats of views are over 30,000 between this and my website - that might double when show #3 comes out wednesday night - stay tuned... stats galore coming