Amazing how many handle draggers there are out there, despite the whole idea of dragging the handle being absolutely absurd to any normal thinking person. How in the heck did you guys ever think that that was going to work? It is as good an example of brainwashing as you will find anywhere. And I am not rying to antagonise, just stating the obvious facts. Clearly this is a great example of the human condition: the sheep mentality, strength in numbers etc etc.
Let me see now: nobody noticed that the club shaft ROTATED through impact? As everything that rotates must rotate around a POINT (that's pretty obvious too!). So you guys really didn't notice this until someone told you? Holy sh!t, no wonder the world's financial system is going to pot....
Wulsy, the sheer disgust you displayed in this post could power Manhattan for a week. I'm sure none of the brainwashed sheep felt antagonized.
But I don't disagree, except to say this: if an alien came down to study a golf swing and his first assertion was that you should drag the handle to optimize launch conditions, I would consider that a more advanced "mistake" in analysis, than if he had thought you should immediately and purposely accelerate the clubhead from the very start of the downswing.
Wulsy, the sheer disgust you displayed in this post could power Manhattan for a week. I'm sure none of the brainwashed sheep felt antagonized.
But I don't disagree, except to say this: if an alien came down to study a golf swing and his first assertion was that you should drag the handle to optimize launch conditions, I would consider that a more advanced "mistake" in analysis, than if he had thought you should immediately and purposely accelerate the clubhead from the very start of the downswing.
Thanks Virtu, I take that as a compliment, but you should see me in real life: my wife says she finds it miraculous that no-one has ever beat the crap out of me. I guess I've just been lucky up till now...
Mmm, now that's quite a complex statement bud. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that every fool would think you should accelerate the clubhead from the very start of the downswing, and that just happens to be correct. And that the more intelligent amongst us earthlings would tend to think that lag and drag was really the secret, but that would (in the light of "scientific proof") NOT be the case.
Did I understand you correctly?
I love it when the grown ups are talking.
Hogan's left wrist looks pretty flat to me and that's a foot after impact,the exact location where Wild Bill's would be 45 degrees bent.
And what has the hands moving up through impact got to do with throwing the clubhead or closing the gap.The players that I see with the most upward movement of hands through impact are very narrow coming down.
Hogan's left wrist looks pretty flat to me and that's a foot after impact,the exact location where Wild Bill's would be 45 degrees bent.
And what has the hands moving up through impact got to do with throwing the clubhead or closing the gap.The players that I see with the most upward movement of hands through impact are very narrow coming down.