Brian Manzella
Brian, this is a difficult one to understand... Is this point really rotating around the FCCoG or is it the other way around?
They are dancing in space together.
Brian - stepping back, does this change your views on how the average player who needs to should learn to
(a) square the clubface; or
(b) put a more descending angle of attack on the ball?
For me, less downward.
"it is an out away from the target hand path that will help many"
OK, but how? Straightening the right elbow or is it in the hands themselves? Thanks, James
I don't think it matters to the FCCoG
This is all so very confusing.....what does this 'new' take mean for how Brian will teach the swing? This approach kind of sounds like Manuel De La Torre's approach to the swing minus all the technical lingo.......
He was on to something studying E. jones, but my lessons and any video, article, or book on the subject I would do, would be much different than Mr. Manuel.
It's definitely easier for me. More relax. If you try to straighten your left arm, all these tensions make it harder to swing.
I remember getting blasted for it around here.