Just back from first driving range session post-Jacobs video.
Initial thoughts:
1. No way I can consciously make an effort to ensure that hands are rising as I hit the ball. Fingers crossed i do this naturally. Prior to Jacobs' video I had no thoughts as to whether low hands should or should not coincide, so perhaps there is nothing for me to unlearn.
2. Aiming initial direction of butthead at back wall of driving range worked well BUT demanded, by my standards at least, a fairly aggressive pivot/ rotation of the hips to make it work. I think this is a good thing and an improvement to my swing. At 11.20 of Jacob's #2 video he talks about the role of the pivot/body movement in helping to delay the outwards release of the club.
Back in 2007, BManz was talking about talking about catching the drop:
In my mind at least, the 'fairly aggressive pivot/ rotation of the hips to make it work' is analogous to 'catching the drop'.
3. Felt like I was flipping, but then again, feelings and reality are different. I certainly felt more of a sweeping motion as I hit the ball.
4. Ball flight was higher than normal, perhaps too high.
5. I will definitely be pursuing the Jacob's message. I think it is a winner.
It is fair to describe me as a castor who can hit only a 220-225 yard carry with driver. Would you expect the pivot/hip rotation to alter if one was seeking to delay the outward release of the club?