The Foley pattern or method is coming into full view now. And that's really what it is, a pattern, like S&T, that he teaches his guys. Tiger's bought into it 100%. The main features of this pattern, that I can tell, are:
1. Keep leaning or tilting targetward on the backswing to keep the upper body center in place. That's what the "club at the side of the head" drill is for.
2. Hands move more "inward" on the takeaway. The left arm is just staying on its address plane longer into the takeaway. What MOST pros do and Tiger used to do is to lift the left arm up off of its address plane within a few feet into the takeaway. I hear this get described as "hands move in, shaft moves out". If the club does stay "out", its because the left wrist doesn't bend to bring the shaft in-line, horizontally, with the left arm. That needs to happen eventually for an on-plane top position. I don't think it makes any difference whether it happens earlier or later in the backswing, and as such, gets too much credence. It's mostly just a preventative move to guard against hinging the shaft under-plane.
3. Hands move "deep" to the top. "deep" means "flat"....left arm perpendicular to spine at the top.
4. Hands move inward or "swing left" quickly after impact. This is a bit of "Voodoo Science", because the clubhead moves on a inclined plane through the impact zone. Even if you COULD pull the clubhead "inside" its resultant orbit immediately after impact, it wouldn't matter anyway. The ball is gone. I would say that the only effect of trying to "swing left" is that the resultant impact plane is less rightward/more leftward, which is obviously a good thing for Tour pros, who typically struggle with an overly inside-out plane.
The pattern is basically Stack N Tilt without the leftward stack at address. It's SO different from what Tiger was doing when he won 4 majors in a row and 6 PGA Tour events in a row. Remember how Michael Jackson got addicted to plastic surgery? Could it be that Tiger is addicted "swing surgery"?