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  1. J

    Help . . . me lower my Vertical Swing Plane

    I had a lesson with Brian back in Oct and the main thing we worked on was lowering my Vertical Swing Plane . . . it was apparently off the charts steep. Brian described it as way too much "tumble." He had me laying the club off in the backswing to help shallow out the shaft . . . I'm still...
  2. J

    Around or Up and Down?

    I know that a good swing has both elements, but how does your swing feel? More around, or up and down?
  3. J

    alignment. . .alignment. . .alignment. . .

    I've been playing poorly for a couple of months, and finally have come to realize that it's mainly my alignment. Body aligned 50 yards to the left isn't the best way to set up (at least not for me). No wonder I was hooking it off the planet. Anyway, the last few "dry spells" I've hit have...
  4. J

    Driver Help?

    I am hitting the driver poorly. I think I may be a bit steep, I do swing my irons fairly steep and have been swinging my driver in a similar way. Have been struggling with pull hooks and some "pull cuts." Also not hitting it as high as I used to. I used to swing all my clubs very flat, more...
  5. J

    Soft Draw Poster Boy?

    I know this has probably been answered elsewhere, and I know that Snead and Nicklaus are two models--but who on tour right now, is the soft draw poster boy?
  6. J

    How good is the worst putter on tour?

    If they played at my local course would I think they were unbelievable? Or, would it be more like, "yeah, he rolls it well." I know a couple of guys who can really putt, especially from inside 10ft, would they be close, or would it be no contest? Are the one or two really good putters at...
  7. J

    Holy Grail of Golf Swings?

    While there are many different ways to swing a golf club, it seems to me there are two main camps. One way to swing is more dependent on the hands and arms squaring the club face. The other way is to square the face with the body, or so-called "bigger muscles." Now this is just my...
  8. J

    just wondering. . .

    when i putt, i usually watch the putter in the back stroke and then follow it back to the ball. . .i am pretty sure that's not the best way to putt, but i've been doing it for so long that it is very difficult to stop. does anyone else watch the putter on the take away? i am really trying to...
  9. J

    Go App State!!!

    Brian, Thanks for your instruction and generosity on this site. . . but as an app state man I had to razz you a bit before Sat's game. . . especially since LSU is probably going to pound us. Anyway, if you go to the game, enjoy, and show a little mercy on the mountaineers. jeff
  10. J

    Putting Question. . .

    How important is it to have the putter shaft in line with right forearm? And, are there any good posts around here (i've looked and haven't found a detailed one) about proper putting grip? thanks, jch
  11. J

    new set of irons?

    I've been reading this forum daily for the last 6 months or so, and want to thank Brian for a wonderful site with great information. I have nsa and flipper, and my ball striking has since greatly improved. Because of improved swing and play I am looking for a new set of irons, here's my...