Search results

  1. M

    Losing grip during the swing

    I have many students that at some point during the swing they lose their grip on the club and when they return to address position with that grip the club is always toed in. And some players it is a great amount toed in. I always looked at their grip and grip pressure. I assumed it was happening...
  2. M

    Transition thoughts and feels?

    Pull with the left arm during transition good advice?
  3. M

    LSU women's golfer Lindsay Gahm captures Alamo Invitational individual title

    LSU women's golfer Lindsay Gahm captures Alamo Invitational individual title ‎ LSU's Lindsay Gahm will have a pleasant memory to carry her through the winter months and until the women's collegiate golf season resumes next spring. Gahm, a senior from Louisville, birdied three of her...
  4. M

    This has got to be killing Jack. I'm sure he is embarrased for the course.

    His pride and joy has been made into a popcorn course by these guys. Has to be a world record already for number of birdies made in this type of event.
  5. M

    Jordan Spieth grip?

    What is he doing?
  6. M

    Best golf courses to play on Hilton head Island?

    And what kind of shape will they be in at end of June. All players low handicappers. Thanks.
  7. M

    Rory's new instructor?

    Sean Foley?
  8. M

    No PGA show reports?

    Did anybody go?
  9. M

    The slow play at The Farmer's Tournament on Monday at Torrey Pines

    was an embarrassment to golf. Heads should roll.
  10. M

    Who do you enjoy watching swing the most?

    I'll take Louis Oosthuizen’s swing. Can't get enough of it.
  11. M

    Brian's 2-13 Golf Magazine Article & Shoe Talk

    Not unique tip for us on the forum but "Pull the club into your stomach at impact" might be "martian" to the outside golfing world. Brian, what kind of reaction do you get on some of your forward thinking ideas versus mainstream at the magazine.
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    Say it ain.t so. This will be very interesting.
  13. M

    "you will see how video ruined golf for 30 years"

    Michael Jacobs thinks video has ruined golf the last 30 years. A great topic, what do you think has ruined golf? PGA of America? Slow play? Too expensive? Golf course architecture? Golf on TV? Golf teachers? Internet? Societal? Video games? Scrambles? Junior golf programs? First Tee? Equipment...
  14. M

    Is Rory under the plane?

    Sure looks like it.
  15. M

    Is Kaymer out of sequence

    or what. It looks weird.
  16. M

    Get the grandstands out of play!

    17 and 18 were ridiculous.
  17. M

    Why does tiger aim so far left?

    It seems like he aims 30 yards left on every shot. YUK!
  18. M

    Rory to Nike?

    Say it ain't so.
  19. M

    Why do Koreans dominate the LPGA?

    Who teaches them? Gotta be the greatest teachers in the world.