Search results

  1. J

    Golf and general sports coverage

    Is coverage of any other sport as bad as that to which we are subjected watching golf? Watching the US golf from the UK is a dire experience if you are not able to use a soon-to-be-worn out fast forward button. Whilst the US coverage seemingly inexplicably moves from one channel to another or...
  2. J

    Bowed left wrist at the top

    Hello. I've had some success with Soft Draw and Never Hook Again, but am still plagued by a left. My left wrist is still bowed at the top with a grip the strong side of neutral. Laid off and bowed like this has been lethal in the past, but Soft Draw helped sort the club out a bit. I know...
  3. J

    Soft draw questions

    Hi. A couple of soft draw questions if anyone has a mo. I still get the odd left. Even with a bit of a lagging clubhead takeaway, it still feels like my wrist is flat or even bowing a little at the top instead of getting the thumb more underneath. Any feelings or ideas to soften the face a...
  4. J

    Carry and axis tilt

    So not everyone underplane has too much axis tilt. Could more axis tilt (getting your head one side of the line in the sand, and your butt on the other per Brian's video for Explosive Golf) make underplane worse? Is this incompatible with more carry? Carry seems to be taking out axis tilt...
  5. J

    Old posts - lagging clubhead takeaway

    Some old threads regarding the lagging clubhead takeaway hinted that it might be a good idea for someone with a hook, but are then left tantalisingly hanging without explaining why or saying what particular points should be considered. Any ideas why this would be a good idea? Is it easier to...
  6. J

    'Tush-line' questions

    Hello. I have some questions about maintaining contact with the hypothetical 'tush-line' in the downswing and into impact if anyone has a minute. There are and have been plenty of good golfers that would pretty much kept this contact and plenty that have not. If you are making your impact...
  7. J

    NHA queries

    Hello. I’ve been hitting a few hooks and the odd dropkick hook thrown in for good measure so have reviewed NHA 2.0 again. If anyone has a mo, I’ve got a few things I’d like to check out to see if I am feeling the right kind of thing to get rid of the lefts. Swinging along the wall, my...
  8. J

    Soft drawish

    Had a couple of trips to the range over the weekend instead of losing more money on the course. Generally going okay. Towards the end of one load of balls, I thought I would have a couple of goes with my 'junior' swing that my college coach and subsequent pros I have had lessons from have...
  9. J

    Upright post-impact

    I've noticed from down-the-line video of my swing that when the club is back to vertical after impact that it is a fair bit more upright than it was during the downswing. Obviously I'm not trying to fix something after impact or change something purely for aesthetic reasons, but it seems to me...
  10. J

    What is width? Is it important?

    Two easy questions then. What is width? Is it important? For those of you with more time on your hands, some more questions and incoherent jabberings… I thought I knew what width was, but have now heard so many things called ‘width’ or so many different swings called ‘wide’, I am not so sure...
  11. J

    Soft Draw: early success and questions

    Playing to my handicap for the first time in months a week after watching Soft Draw might be a coincidence. I am certainly not going to start proclaiming I have got it all nailed. What I would like to do is ask a couple of things about the pattern. Will float-loading from Soft Draw help...
  12. J

    Advice on improvement

    Like so many other people sharing this planet, I am looking to improve my golf. However, I am looking for some advice on how to do so constructively and independently, being in a different country from what looks like the majority of you guys and probably hundreds of miles from the nearest...
  13. J

    More flipping thinking

    A couple more questions to see if my thinking is correct around flipping. I am pretty sure the height I hit it has a lot to do with the flip, so am pretty sure it will sort out my ball-flight. I have recently struggled with hitting the ball out of the toe. There are lots of articles and...
  14. J

    Flying elbow again!

    Sorry to bring up this old chestnut again, but the flying right elbow is still giving me trouble. I knew I had a problem when I watched a clip on YouTube of a Dutch guy explaining the ‘flyvende albue’, so thought I would ask here. I have watched Brian’s flying elbow video about fifty times...
  15. J

    No follow-through...

    Bit of a long shot this, but has anyone ever seen anyone play golf without a follow-through? Not a ‘future Golf Digest cover flavour of the month’, honestly grinds to a halt two feet after impact on any shot, pitch, punch, iron, full driver. Loses a lot of height as well so looks like a kind...
  16. J

    Flipper questions

    Finally managed to get a good enough connection to sort out the streaming and ordered COFF. Loving it so far, but a couple of things I would like to confirm. For now I would just like to know whether I am heading in the right direction. The divots would suggest so, but some of you guys...
  17. J

    Swing video

    Hello. Been lurking around for a while and have found your discussions here very informative and am interested in learning as much as I can about what Brian has to say. (Sadly, I don’t live in the US so can’t watch the DVDs and I haven’t been able to work out streaming here yet.) Figured I...