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  1. L

    Ideas for getting laid off at the top?

    Does anyone have any ideas for working on a slightly laid off position at the top of the swing? I've tried some different things with mixed results. Thanks for any input.
  2. L

    "12 Nights at the Academy" begins tonight

    Anyone tuning in?
  3. L

    Well, I passed my PAT

    I took it for the first time on Tuesday. The target score was 153 and I shot a 147 (73-74). I must say, I've played a decent amount of competitive golf, and that was a new level of pressure for me. I want to thank Brian, Kevin, and everyone else who has helped me out since I joined the site a...
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    Tiger to return for Masters

    Tiger's back
  5. L

    Putting grip for Sheriff-type stroke

    Are there any key points to monitor when gripping the putter to encourage an on-plane, Sheriff-type putting stroke?
  6. L

    Best training aid for putter alignment?

    Does anyone have any suggestions for a good laser training aid (or something similar) to help with putting aim? There seems to be quite a few on the market. Thanks.
  7. L

    Over rotation early, then across the line

    What problems can arise from this? I've noticed a lot of good younger players do this. When I'm struggling, I tend to do it as well. The left arm will over rotate about 3/4 back and the shaft will point outside the plane line. But instead of continuing to a laid off position, the club reroutes...
  8. L

    Hand path through the ball

    What factors contribute the most to the path the hands take through the ball? What would most likely cause them to go out away from the body instead of more in after impact?
  9. L

    Toss question

    In the Soft Draw pattern, the toss has the tip end of the club pointing 1 yard right of the target. Where should the butt of the club be pointing in this position?
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    Soft Draw swivel

    What is the stock swivel for the SD pattern? I know it will vary a little depending on the person, but what about for a "standard" Soft Draw pattern (toss--club points at target, toe up, soft left wrist; one last point--butt of club at the target, left thumb under, elbow under thumb)?
  11. L

    Independent arm action in Manzella patterns

    A few questions: If the NHA downswing is all pivot and drop, does that mean it technically "maxes out" at 80-85% power (no right arm addition)? In the SD backswing, is the arm lift provided purely by the motion of the hands/arms created by the body in the takeaway? Or is there an independent...
  12. L

    Flatter shoulder turn without laying it off

    Does anyone have any advice on how I can flatten my shoulder turn without getting laid off at the top? After many months of using a Soft Draw-type backswing, I've overcooked the ideas somewhat and my shoulder turn has become too steep. However, if I flatten it out, I tend to get too much around...
  13. L

    "Soft Draw" Grip

    In the video, I believe Brian says that the right hand grip should be a "matching grip." Does this mean palms opposing/wrists parallel? What are the drawbacks to having a right hand grip that is weaker or stronger with this pattern? Thanks.
  14. L

    Wedge specs and the "tour pitch"

    Are there certain wedge specifications (such as bounce angle, sole grind, etc.) that help with executing the "tour pitch?" Thanks.
  15. L

    How do you reproduce "pure swinging?"

    I really like the "pure swinging"/no torque method for a variety of short game shots, but I am having trouble consistently producing the technique. I know what it "feels" like (from swinging back and forth like Ernest Jones talked about, hitting balls in a line like Brian has suggested, etc.)...
  16. L

    Soft Draw review

    Soft Draw will help more people than Never Slice Again. It is a bold prediction I know, especially since NSA has helped almost everyone who has seen it and/or tried its concepts. But hear me out, as my reasoning is two fold. First, it will help people who are unable to do the NSA pattern. Some...
  17. L

    Working on "Soft Draw;" Please help

    Working on it EDIT: Editing this to say that Brian gave me some things to work on. Thanks to the two other people who responded. :)
  18. L

    I would like to say thank you

    I would like to say thank you to Brian and others on this site who have helped educate me over the past few months. I am the "swing coach" for the local high school where I live. On Monday, our team placed second at the district tournament and qualified for the state tournament. A huge...
  19. L

    Schwing dem orms!

    Wow. This is a very powerful concept once you "get it." And I don't think I "got it" completely until today. For those working on NSA, make sure you don't overlook this (it's number 9 on the video I believe). Also, if anyone has any good drills or swing thoughts to help reinforce this (allowing...